Tuesday, March 07, 2006

An Architect's Responsibilities

An Architect's primary responsibility is believed to be Aesthics.

In reality, the licensed Architect is Slave to the Budget, Guardian of Health, Safety and Welfare, and only as respected and profitable as the last project.

Sadly, and by necessity, the Architect has also become Master of CYA. This role came, not by preference, but by desparation. In days past, an Architect endeared himself to Client and Contractor alike by guarding and protecting the interests of each. It was the Architect who was relied upon for the settlement of differences and for advising eqitable solutions.

This is no longer the case. There's a new party in town (to sue), and the Architect must now got out of his way to guard his own position and liability.

It's a tight rope we walk. When we recommend a certain manner of construction, but budget dictates an alternative... we must yield, but issue formal letters that release us from liability.

We aim to please... and confrontation is not our long suit... but it doesn't take many owner issued value engineered items turned regret to know that we must speak our mind up front. If the owner chooses to diverge from the construction documents, he must do so at his own risk.

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