Saturday, January 05, 2008

A. Architect / ABC

Accountant, A/C Specialist, Acrobat, Administrator, Advocate Agent, Ambassador, Analyst, Anthropologist, Arborist, Archaeologist, Archivist, Art Director, Artist, Assessor, Attorney, Auditor

Banker, Bartender (you betcha!), Barista (you betcha!), Bookkeeper, Broker, Builder, Business Analyst, Business Expert

Cabinet Designer, CAD Monkey, Calligrapher, Cameraman, Carpenter, Cartoonist (for relief), Censor, Cheerleader, Choreographer, Civil Servant, Civil Engineer (give it up, we do a lot of their job!), Clockwatcher (Good Lord, is it midnight?), Coffee Drinker/Enthusiast, Cognitive Scientist, Comedian (or we would go insane), Computer Geek/Technician, Concierge (you should hear some of the things clients ask of me), Construction Manager, Consultant, Contract Manager, Controller, Correctional Officer (minding the Interns), Courier (when there's not enough time or it's too late to call one who does it for a living), Craftsman, Crier (not the profession, just one who does it from time to time), Cult Leader (again with the interns!), Curator, Current Events Expert (lots of small talk required), Custodian

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